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Workplace Bias & Discrimination Survey

The workplace Bias & Discrimination Survey is an assessment tool used to identify relationship, bias, discrimination, and conflict management issues that exist within your organization and coaching support to identify targeted solutions.

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The Workplace Bias & Discrimination Survey includes:

  • Confidential employee feedback related to staff relationships, discrimination, and staff conflicts.

  • A data report and coaching meeting to analyze the social identifies that are experiencing discrimination and the specific pain points that your team can focus their time and resources on addressing.

  • Providing your DEI committee or team with critical feedback about terminology to use or not use based on potential associations that staff might have with words

  • Access to key issues related to staff relationships, discrimination, and conflict that your leadership team may have not been aware of.

  • The survey can be run several times a year (before, during, and after implementation of support services) to directly measure the impact that anti-discrimination trainings, system changes, and staff inclusion & relationship building services have on your team.

Issues Addressed

  • You feel like your perception or your management's perception of workplace culture and climate may not be an accurate assessment of how your team really feels.

  • You know that discrimination is happening in your workplace and you want to learn more about which identities are experiencing it so you can address it.

  • You want to make sure that you can prevent unrest and unsatisfied employees by proactively assessing their experience and creating plans to maintain a positive workplace culture

  • You are worried that there are issues between staff and management and you want to learn more about this in a confidential and qualitative way.

  • You feel overwhelmed with all of the needs that show up and do not know which workplace climate needs are the most important to your team and need to be addressed first.


Implementation Details & Timeline

The following is a list of task that is included when you purchase this training:

  • Complete contract or PO

    • Our contracts team will work with you to expedite the contract and compliance process so we can start working together as soon as possible

    • We accept POs as well. We have our standard service agreement that we use or we can use your organization's if needed

  • Assign a Training Synergist to support you along your entire journey

    • You will be assigned a training synergist who will be your point person to ensure that the survey implementation happens smoothly. They will reach out to you and make sure that all of your needs are met

    • Time - Automatically happens the moment you reach out to us

  • Conduct a 30-minute industry & needs assessment

    • Our team will conduct a 30-minute assessment to customize the survey and work out logistics needed to communicate the purpose and impact of the survey to your team. We have special versions of this survey for municipalities, technology companies, K-12 schools, universities, and medical institutions, and nonprofits

    • We also have a conversation about trust and confidentiality to make sure that we problem-solve how to ensure that your team is open to being honest in their response.

    • Our team will also explore some of our proven strategies to ensure that we have a 90-95% participation rate.

    • Time - 30-45 minutes

  • Finalize all logistics & Create A Custom Flyer

    • Your training synergist will create a simple process for your staff to access the survey. We use beautify Typeform surveys.  We will also create a PDF flyer with more details and ensure that we help to create messaging for your team about the survey.

    • We will also provide you with reminder emails to send to your team

    • Time - 30-40 minutes

  • Analyze Results

    • Your training synergist will analyze the results from the survey and produce a simple report for you and your management to review. 

    • Time - 2.5 hours - 3.5 hours depending on customizations and topics

  • Schedule an Analysis meeting.

    • Your training synergist will provide you with the survey results and discuss recommendations and next steps based on the survey results

    • Time - 60-minute meeting after the survey is analyzed 

Detail & Timeline

General Training Logistics

Here, you will find general Training logistics that may be customized: 

  • There is no limit to the number of people who can complete the survey

  • We recommend separating the survey by department or division to allow for more accurate comparisons.

  • This survey works best when run multiple times a year to be used to measure the progress of DEI and workplace climate initiatives

  • The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete


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