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Tech Ache Releases

  • 150 US dollars
  • Online

Service Description

Simple mindful movements and habits to release seated computer-related aches, tension, and soreness. Description: As more and more people transition to online meetings, teaching online, and working in front of a computer for hours at a time, new physical tension and stress can slow you down and make you uncomfortable. CircleUp Mindful Moves teaches you simple and effective moves that, when woven into your daily work routine, can help release physical stress and tension and help you recover from Tech Aches in your body. This interactive mindfulness training includes body movement, group reflections, and helpful take-a-ways that you can practice at home. Issues Addressed: • Concerned with pain in the neck and shoulders from sitting in front of a computer screen for extended hours • Migraines and eye muscle strain caused from staring at a computer for too long and making micro-eye movements • Experiencing sore fingers and wrist from prolonged typing • Sore chest and upper arms from typing and rotating shoulders forward from typing and posture issues • Tense back from sitting in a chair for prolonged periods of time Learning Outcomes: Eye Strain Release Moves • Learning simple eye strain release movements that stretch out overworked eye muscles Upper Body Arm Moves • Developing awareness of tense muscles in the hands, arms and chest and learning simple moves to release tension Head and Neck Release Moves • Simple, yet deep stretches that stretch out bunched up and stiff neck and shoulder muscles that are being overused CircleUp Moves Work Habits • Develop mindful interruptions to your workflow to move your body and release built-up tension Body Mindfulness Reflections • Learn to listen to your body and process the impact of CircleUp Mindful Moves on your body and workflow

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Contact Details


Oakland, CA, USA

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